Monday, September 25, 2006

Journal Entry #1
Today, technology is everywhere. From our homes to our schools, to the mall, we just can't escape it. As we learn to live with the ever growing technology, we find that it is constantly changing. Changing technology has both its advatages and disadvantages.

One type of technology I would like to focus in on is portable gaming. From the first GameBoy to the PSP, portable gaming has been around for a long time. Advantages for portable gaming is that it is very fun to play with because you are now able to enjoy your favourite games in the palm of your hand while on the street, in your car or anywhere else rather than having to be restricted to a television or computer to play. I, myself have many portable gaming systems including the PSP and GameBoy. I find these devices to be very helpful to me when i am bored but at the same time it could be very distracting. This leads me to the disadvantages about portable gaming.

Disadvantages to portable gaming might not jump out to you right away, but if you think about it for a while, you would find out that they are many of them. Two main disadvantages of portable gaming are that the are addicting and very distracting. If for example your are playnig your game out on the street, you are more likely to be completly focused on your game. As you are playing your game, you may come up to a crosswalk and without paying any attention, you could cross while at the same time a car could carelessly be speeding and eventually hit you. Also, it could be very annoying to the people around you that might not want to hear the noise that the game is making.

In conclusion, portable gaming has its advantages and disadvantages but overall, it is a great piece of technology.


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